Two months ago, I set off to Mumbai for a scheduled series of shoots for India Food Network, after countless discussions of four months. In the past year so much has changed, so much has happened and we’ve been incredibly blessed with amazing, out-of-the-world opportunities and, most importantly, I have had the right sense of mind to say YES. If you know me, you’d know I am more of a ‘blend into the wall’ person and anything that pushes me forward tends to give me nerve-racking jitters. But this time, it was a very different experience. I worked with an incredible team with such passion for food, design and film, was treated like royalty and the experience was incredibly smooth, easy and natural.
So, here is the first video out – this gorgeous apple chutney. Do subscribe to the YouTube channel, view it, like it, share it, comment on it… and most importantly, make it and send me pictures! Kitchen Therapy has one goal – that is to help you enjoy cooking and feel comfortable in the kitchen and nothing gives me more joy than knowing you tried out a recipe and it came out great!
Special thanks to India Food Network for spotting me, approaching me and convincing me to take the ‘dip’! And a BIG THANK YOU to my family, subscribers, readers, followers, supporters for pressing that ‘like’ button, giving me feedback on recipes and sometimes, just holding my hand through it all!
This would not have been possible without any of you!