Thirst Quenchers

‘Tis the year end and like any grand moment in life, it’s only natural to take a breather and reflect back on what a year it’s been – and boy, has it been quite the year for me! We overcame a bit of our shyness and ventured into unknown territories, said yes to new projects and experienced joys like never before. We worked with some pretty cool brands, started a retail venture, faced the camera and started off on some very cool projects.

Sure, we didn’t have a moment to breathe, relax, take a massage or respond to messages even, but I am not complaining in the least. It’s all that I’ve ever wanted out of life.

This New Year’s resolution for me is to actually cut down on my workload, give you more juicy recipes, get creative outside the box and to streamline all the projects in my hands so that I can do more writing – something I’ve missed oh-so-terribly. I hope the New Year will produce the fruits of all the madness of 2017. If not, we’ll just let the madness continue. 🙂

And as a year end treat to you from me, I’m sharing a classic recipe – a plea to go back to the pure basics in life – as it is the stem of the good kind of happiness. Nothing complicated, nothing too fancy or hard to do – just simple, basic and yet so good and borderline sinful. The process in itself is a form of kitchen therapy, and the sleep it induces thereafter is blissful. The burgeoning love handles aren’t as forgiving but the sentiment makes up for it on the whole!

So here’s the easy-peasy recipe to the classic hot chocolate to make year-end go smoothly, yet invigorate you for 2018 with promises of hope, faith and lot’s of success.

The Recipe
Serves 1


  • 1 mug whole milk
  • 120 g dark chocolate, chopped
  • pinch of vanilla pod seeds
  • pinch of salt
  • Whipped cream


  • Gently warm the milk and vanilla in a small pot, careful not to bring to a boil.
  • Stir in the chocolate pieces and stir with a spatula to melt.
  • Stir in the pinch of salt and pour into mug.
  • Add some whipped cream on top before serving.

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The recipes are tried and tested, some are adapted from various places, and a few are passed down; but every one of them comes straight from the heart.