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The Detox Series

The Detox Series


A detox series is perhaps a bit rare coming from me – but this inspiration stemmed from mental health reasons. A mind and body that is constantly and consistently exposed to high sodium, air travels, packaged foods, late night parties and/or stressful nights that are spent in front of the computer. This continuous way of living, even in a series of just 3 or 4 weeks has a great impact – sluggishness of the mind, tired and fatigue syndromes that plague morning routines and the inability to think straight. Even with regular exercise and activity, though it helps, is not enough. For me personally, the mind must always be alert.

This detox series consists of a few recipes that are easy to make, source ingredients and can be regularly integrated into a weekly meal plan. This are mostly low on salt, have no preservatives or ready sauces as condiments or flavouring. All it requires is a bit of patience and planning. Try incorporating this once a week for lunch or dinner and intermittent fasting for the rest of the day, and see the difference it makes on your stomach, mind and energy levels!

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The recipes are tried and tested, some are adapted from various places, and a few are passed down; but every one of them comes straight from the heart.